Hi my dear friends...I thought it would be appropriate of us to have our picture on our blog. How are you doing? I have successfully reached 1 week cola free. Oh my goodness...didn't think it would be this hard. For someone without an addiction to the cola sugars, I'm sure this wouldn't be such a big deal, but for me it has been huge, especially after the stresses of the last 7 days. Don't want to get into it all now as I am getting ready for bed...don't need my mind hashing things out...I want to sleep! Don't worry though, we are fine. Just seemed to be a week chopped full of little stresses that add up to big stress. But hey...no cokes! Unfortunately, chocolate was a yes, but did I tell you I didn't have any cokes! That is my success for the week. I am going to try to add little goals ontop weekly, so my goal for the next 7 days is to be studying God's Word...not just reading, and honestly, I haven't been doing even that for a while. Time to get back on the wagon and get serious about my relationship with Him. So with that, I will say goodnight! Don't know if weight will be any lower tomorrow when I weigh in, but I know my sugar count has to be down. Yeah for me!
Erin, I hope you had a beautiful day and that you celebrated you. Hey, I know you had to make a stop at Starbucks, right? Happy Birthday my friend! I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you!
Michelle, welcome back! :) You know I had to get that in. Wow, a size 12! Is that still considered an adult, have had children, and over 30 woman's size? I haven't seen that since I was 12! Good for you. Who knows...no cokes, maybe I can get to be a size 12 too. :)
Here is to the three of us! The Best! I love you both!
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