Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One week is too long!!!

Hey girls~

We have GOT to get it together here. It has been a week since a last post. If we are too busy for this, we are too busy, right? I will have to admit that a few reasons I don't get on is because I am watching TV or playing video games or just feeling guilty about my choices that day. I think that this is something that we need to comit to doing on a regular basis...especially when we do that study. When can we start, by the way?!? Accountability is so important, even via this wonderful blog. I think that the more I make our blog important, the more I will consider my choicesfor the day and perhaps even offer alternatives to mundane things. I don't know. All I do know is that we have a good thing going for us...we are sisters in Christ, friends in life and shall I go so far as to say benefactresses (did I spell that right???) of each other's time. I hope that is how I meant to say it. I think about both of you all the time and am thankful for you. Sam, how I wish you were coming away this weekend. Though I love these other ladies very much, "Girl's Weekend" doesn't seem the same without all "the girls." Next year, I'm thinking beach again...even if it's Lake Michigan...we need a beach (thought that Florida ocean smelled a whole lot better than our lake ever did!!!).

My goal, and my challenge is this, at least 3 times a week to get on and blog. I know my choices are poor. I want to better them. In the pattern of business that we are all three in, we need to weave in time for God and the sisters He has blessed us with, and the opportunity to do that together is priceless!!!

Ok, on that note, I hope you all are blogging and everything else as unto the Lord.


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