Thursday, May 1, 2008

Good Fasting Morning...

Hi! Are we ready to face the day? I am, with the strength of the Lord!

Here is something I've been thinking about that I was able to really articulate as I did the study this morning. One of the lies I have been believing is, "The kids need to be on a good eating schedule, but I 'deserve' to eat when and how I want."

It is so freeing to write that out and then name that statement as a LIE FROM THE ENEMY!

The truth is, I do want my kids on a good eating schedule for their benefit and the smooth running of my household. On a typical day they eat breakfast, lunch, a snack and then dinner. Occasionally we will have dessert after dinner with daddy (once or twice a week). Now, I truly believe if I required this schedule of myself (and it is what I have been doing on normal & half days this past week), I will be a woman of moderation. On weekdays when it is just me and the kids, I rarely deter from this schedule for them. Now, why do I think I "deserve" something different? Because I crave the comfort food brings me! After all my hard work with the house and kids, I deserve some comfort. That isn't a lie, I do need comfort - but not from food, from the Lord! Flipping back a little in Romans from where our study was this morning I found Romans 6:15-16, "So since God's grace has set us free from the law, does this mean we go on sinning? Of course not! Don't you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master! You can choose sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God and receive his approval."

I want God's approval, I do not want to be a slave to the sin of finding comfort in food. Ta da! Lightbuld moment!

Make it a great day!


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