Good evening. I've been waiting for a quite moment to write. I think it has arrived... we'll see!
Guess what? Fasting was really cool yesterday. By "coincidence" on my fasting day what should arrive in the mail but LifeLines, The Annual Report of Bethany Christian Services. This is the adoption agency that Chris and I have looked into. The whole adoption thing has been on our minds since last Christmas time, as you know. We were unable to attend the last couple of "Discovering Adoption" meetings Bethany has (they have them once every month/couple months) in Indianapolis, so the whole thing has been on the back burner. We want to attend, meet some live people and really get a feel for it before totally committing.
Anyway, I started reading the 20 page newsletter filled with pictures and stories of adoption during what would typically be lunch time. Boy did I feast on that newsletter. No, it isn't God's Word exactly, but stories of people living out God's call on their lives. I was a bawling baby and so thankful to God for people who are able to take care of orphans and so sure that God is calling us in this direction. So, I really went through the rest of my day of fasting on a 'high' because I have once again truly felt his Spirit calling me and my family to a special child somewhere. It is scary and worrisome and exciting.
Now, my darling dearest husband Christopher is the level-headed one of us, but when he read through the newsletter last night, even he was like, "When are we going to that meeting again?!?" I said, "The next one is August 16 [our 11th anniversary btw]." He said, "Not 'till then?" Of course, he thinks even more about the logical stuff like, how will we handle this financially and what if I don't love the kid because he's not "from me." At the same time, he is very open to pursuing this and I've seen some flickers of excitement and possibility in him. I'm shaking with excitement as I type this!!
If you want to actually read this article (one of several inspiring articles in the newsletter), right click and open in a new tab and the print will be big enough to read. At least read to the second paragraph where she quotes Isaiah - how awesome is God that I would be reading through this article on my fasting day. WOW!
So, please pray for the following:
1. That I have peace and patience until we are able to get to the meeting August 16.
2. That we actually get to go to the meeting August 16!
3. Pray that Chris and I will seek God in each and every decision we need to make.
4. Pray specifically that we will know clearly from where we are to adopt.
5. Pray that should this be the plan God has for us that financial answers will be made clear.
Much more, but that'll have to do for now!
And on a totally different note...
Michelle, hope you have a great and enjoyable time hosting your sister's shower tomorrow. It'll be great, I'm sure! Since you didn't call, I'll assume you've got it together!
Sam, Happy 4th Birthday to the girls! WOW! FOUR!
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