Monday, April 28, 2008

His Word...alive for all of us!

Erin, isn't it strange that I got something completely different out of today's lesson. Instead of focusing in on idolatry, ..."which we have heard and seen" seemed to almost be highlighted in my bible. Hmmm...think God wants to get something across to me? He has given me ears to hear Him, and a heart to KNOW it is Him. Why do I still dismiss that voice. "Oh wretched man am I!"

My confession to you guys is that today has been so hard. Humiliating hard! I had Niki's boys and I just found myself wondering aimlessly around like almost in a trance. Once I realized what I was doing in the kitchen, it actually scared me! Isn't that what Satan wants us to do...just to wonder around with no purpose, thought, or good deed? And what is even sadder is that I have a house-load full of laundry to do. Believe me...I should have been cleaning instead of hovering! I find Mondays to be difficult just because I am keeping an eye on the kids(that the little ones wouldn't pick up and try to digest some ungodly thing they found on the floor...all from my poor habits of cleaning) and so it seems like I am doing snack time, wipe the floor because someone spilled something, clean up kids, then make lunch, wipe the floor, clean up kids, etc. Even changing poopy diapers lead me to the kitchen. So, I am going to need extra encouragement on Mondays!

On a good note, I read some good info in a magazine and I will try to post all of that tonight. If you guys have any great pool exercises I can do, please forward them to me. I think I am going to try to do most of my exercises in the pool, and then some cycling in the morning. I love you guys and will try harder!

I sent in an essay application and got accepted into the Institute of Children's Literature. I don't have the money for the courses, but it is nice to know that I got accepted and that maybe I do have potential to be a writer one day. Who knows...maybe a funny, mommy book about the 3 of us. I wish you guys were here to see "Mama Baby" with me. Niki saw it and is going to go back with me...said she hadn't laughed that hard in a long time!

Okay, did I get in all of the nonsense, non-biblical side of this blog? Can you tell I've been with 5 kids all 5 and under all day? :)

Love you,


???What we have seen and heard...kind of like God is saying, "Sam'...I've told you this before, I've told you this before, you know better, because you have seen have seen what obedience to me does. Why aren't you listening now?" OUCH

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