Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Okay, Okay. I am really sorry for dropping the ball on this girls. Shame on me! I need this just as much if not more than you two and I have neglected it since early March. Nearly a month. Phew!!

Well, I have caught up on every missed blog and I ordered the book. I hope to get it soon and then I am ready to start. If you two have gone ahead, I'll catch up. If you don't mind waiting, I promise to get it in gear as soon as I get the book.

Sam, you AMAZE me. I am so proud of you. Good for you to get your work out in. I really struggle with that too, but it is so important for our long term health. I was really down yesterday and I site a major contributing factor to not getting my workout in. Those endorphins are God's natural high for us and I find when I exercise I actually have more energy for the other things I need to do throughout the day. Also, I sleep better. So good for you, Sam. It is OKAY to prioritize your workout above other things. I would love to talk exercise schedules and challenges. I love what you wrote about TRAINING, Sam. That is sooo what I am doing. I really feel unmotivated unless I have a goal. I have revised my goals a little due to reality being what it is.

My goal it to run in the "Run For Hope 5K" at Holy Cross College (my brother organizes this run) at the end of April. And then I am going to do a 10K at the end of May. Hopefully I can make it to a half-marathon later in the summer, but we shall see.

Okay, confession time. I haven't been paying one bit of attention to what I eat. Ugh. I just don't care and I like cookies. Isn't that bad? As I type I am sitting next to a bag of Golden Oreos. Prior to reading all these blogs, I ate about 10. With milk. Yum. So, you see, I really need this blog too. I know at this moment in time, my strong point is exercising and goal setting and encouraging in that capacity. However, when it comes to food, I honestly feel helpless sometimes and I really don't like facing the true gluttony I have with regard to it. So, hopefully you can encourage me there.

I haven't posted much because I was so focused on my vacation - which was awesome. And I have been enjoying my husband. With the growth we've had the past year, I feel like the last month was another giant step in the right direction for us. It is so awesome to be "on the same team" with my husband. You two might not understand it completely, but when I honestly have not had that kind of partnership and am now experiencing it, I am very thankful. So, a lot of the last month has been focused on my husband and family. I apologize for my hiatus, but I know you understand. It just felt much needed to be focusing "inward" and I thank God for his many blessings. Chris and I are really excited about how "tight" we are right now and while I don't expect to always be on Cloud Nine Lovey Dovey with him, it has been a wonderful renewal of our marriage. I am excited to see what this year may bring for our family.

As for a girl's getaway next year. Ugh - yes, please, sign me up! And a getting out of debt side note for you Sam: You know we're pretty on board with the Ramsey philosophy and getting out of debt. I don't know what he would say about this or where you all are at, but hear me out...
We did take a month off of paying down our debt to vacation together. So, we sacrificed a slow down of the snowball, if you will. However, we paid cash for the vacation and really bargain shopped to make it affordable. Now we are back home and ready to hit it hard again! For us, it was worth that slow down to get away and breathe. And it was a celebration of how far we've come and gearing up for cracking down again. It is so fun to have another friend who is so on board with the Ramsey idea.

Anyway, kids are stirring and waking from nap. Time to sign off. I hope to return very soon.

Love you both,

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