Thursday, April 10, 2008

No book yet...

Sorry for delaying our start on this book, girls. I appreciate your patience.

Phew. How come I find time to blog when I have the Svoboda kids?? All seven darlings are laying down for quiet/nap time. It has been an eventful couple of hours. Titus was on payback duty for Abby dropping him down the stairs at six weeks old. He showed Makenna how to squeeze toothpaste all over the carpet. She thought it was quite fun and helped rub it in really good in five different areas of the hall. The sad thing is, I was within view of them the entire time, but thought they were still playing with a puzzle that they had been playing with moments before. I got it clean enough that I probably won't need to mention it to Chris, so all is well.

I have found it difficult to get the amount of workouts in that I really want to lately. However, I am still doing okay. I like the idea of adding some situps to my routine. I am weight training twice a week, but situps I can do anytime! Should we try for 20 full situps or 100 crunches per day??

How are you doing, Sam?

Michelle, to answer your question, I am okay. I am really wanting to get into the WORD more. I used to wake up, exercise and read the Bible. Now that I'm going to the Y, I am not getting up at all. I know I still need to get up at least a half an hour early (6:30 a.m. or 6:15 if I'm getting a shower) to set myself right for the day. As far as food... well, I haven't totally binged on anything lately, but I haven't been very motivated to make wise choices either. For example, supper last night was chips with salsa/bean/cheese dip and a bowl of sugary cereal. Hmmmmm. No, I did not feed my kids that. I just never eat with them because it is so early on Wednesday before AWANA and then when we get home, Chris has eaten and I just kind of raid the kitchen. I honestly have no motivation right now to make wise food choices. I know that is not right, but it is where I am at. I am really hoping for a kick in the butt from this book. I'm going to check to mail... maybe it will be here today??

More later,

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