Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Brain Fog

I don't feel chatty tonight. I feel grumpy and I'm not sure why. I thought if I started typing I might pinpoint it. I think I am tired and I need to go to bed. I'm doing pretty good not eating sweets but I'm not sure if I'm replacing those calories with larger portions at meal times. I think I used to not eat much at meal times if I had eaten a lot of junk throughout the day. However, as you said Sam, Baby Steps. Lots of water and no sweets but 1x per week is my January goal. That combined with exercising when I can is an attainable goal. Maybe come February I will tweak the rest of my eating habits. I really would like to do this in baby steps so that it becomes so ingrained that I don't have to obsess about it. However, I have years and years of building up poor eating habits, so I can't expect anything but a slow regaining of what I should be doing!

I like that verse you put on your refrigerator, Sam. I think I'll "coffee" (that's what my kids say when they mean copy) you and do the same. Good for Paul - sounds like he's on board with you!

Have either of you ever heard of the flylady? She has a website with house maintenance tips. Anyway, she suggests that you do this every Monday:

Monday January 7, 2008 8:00 am - 9:00 am(This event repeats every week.)
Notes:Make this into your interval workout today! Put on some fun music and FLY around Blessing your home! The Weekly Home Blessing hour is the time FlyLady spends blessing her home. No detailed cleaning required; vacuum the middle of the floors only!FlyLady sets her timer for 10 minutes to work on each of 7 ways to bless your home:
Polish Mirrors and Doors
Purge magazines
Change Sheets
Empty all trash
This takes approximately one hour; some tasks take less than 10 minutes."Don't obsess, set your timer for 10 minutes for each task, then QUIT!" You can do one blessing in the morning and one at night if you work outside your home or you have a busy schedule. Blessing your home feels so good!

I thought that kind of fit into the "housework = workout" idea. So I sucked in my stomach when I mopped my floor - I like the idea of killing two birds with one stone! (Not that I've actually done all the ideas listed - Polish doors?? hasn't quite happened yet - but it is something to shoot for!!)

See now, I knew you two would put me in a better mood. Thanks for listening. Now, I'll pray and thank God for friends, and go to bed. Night night.

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