Monday, January 21, 2008


Okay guys, I need some help. Today was not a good eating day. I kept Niki's three kids and although it went really well (I mean so much better than what I was expecting) I felt like I ate all day. Reviewing my day reveals lots of snacking...all flying under the radar until I have this sick, over-bloated feeling that recalls all of the "little bites" throughout my day. wonder I feel sick...a piece of bread, a piece of pizza, chicken bites, fruit, ...yuck! Help me, ...I guess I could blame it on my period, ...if I had one,...and if I wasn't happy, ....and if we didn't have great sex this weekend. (was that out loud?) Anyway...please pray for me...I know I disappointed God today. Maybe that is that sickening feeling in my stomach, and not just the overload. My eating today could have fed a small village in Africa. :( Sorry guys. Sorry God.

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