Sunday, January 13, 2008

Me? A Preacher???

Well, today was a Sunday that I felt I got a lot out of...not the message today, though that was good, but I think I learned more from the music and fellowship before the service that had me thinking and, in essence, preaching to myself. I can be a rather black and white, "this way is the only way to do it" kind of person (you're all shocked, I know) and I learned a little about myself this morning...something that I don't really like, though it comes from a good and loving heart. I learned that the ministries that people do in their lives aren't always known, even when they are good friends and that not everyone needs to know what everyone else is doing. I form opinions about others and am finding out that things have a little more to them than what they seem on the outside. It's just not always necessary for people to tell me what the are up to. I know that sounds cryptic and even silly...painfully obvious, but not everything is obvious to me, even at my "mature" age. Regardless if any of that makes sense to you, I had a good sermon this morning in my own head and heart!

Besides that, I am learning to believe whole heartedly that we have it good. We as a people, we as a family, whatever...we have it good. I know that the "calamities" that I have (house) are so not "the main thing" and their importance pales in comparison to spiritual struggles and the importance of fixing those. How easy it is to be side-tracked by the insignificant things in life, including food and weight, but knowing that these are things that can be helped when we submit all areas of our life to's harder to look at it that way, you know?

I haven't weighed in today yet, and now I don't yet want to because we just ate and it would be totally wrong. The only problem is that I think I weigh less in the morning than at night, so naturally I want to use that number!!! I still need to measure. Maybe I'll do that at your house Erin...I saw the tape measure there but never got around to using it.

At any rate, I need to go take a nap. I hope you all have a great Sunday, and a great week three. I hope this is working, but either way, I am enjoying learning about my dependence/abuse of food!!!

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