Tuesday, January 1, 2008

In the Beginning

Okay girls...here it is...our own LosingIt blog. See what you think and let me know. FYI...the Biggest Loser is on tonight...what more motivation do we need? Talk to you later


ETaylor said...

All right, girls. I'm in. It is 2:30 pm and I've skipped the syrup on the pancakes and chose fruit instead. But I do have some chocolate staring me in the face so I'll need to get that outta here. Phew. Company is gone and I finally have time to focus on the new year. We can do this girls. And I'll need your support because Chris thinks he's real funny to sabatoge my efforts. He was already talking about that chocolate dessert from Longhorn. I need to be strong!

timandmichelle (timandshelly) said...

Ok, well, I was able to stave off the pineapple upside down cake at dinner last night. Tim thought he was funny asking if I wanted some snack he was having and when I declined, he said, "just checking." I think he will help keep me accountable, but nothing does it like a girlfriend in the same big pants (or if not the pants, then the same robotic motions towards the kitchen and all it has to offer us). Remember, like Sam said this morning, we don't even realize how much we think about food, the next time we get to eat or anything of the sort. This is going to make us ever aware and then hopefully be able to combat that. I will take my measurements later on and then post them. Ugh!!! I am sure that my scale at home is wrong, but I am going to post that too. That should help keep my eating to when I am hungry and stopping when I am full. What a concept. Perhaps we can blog daily (if possible) and then call every other or something like that. If you all have any suggestions of good habits that are easy to replace bad ones, put them on here. My goal is perhaps 25 pounds by the wedding. More would be great, but I'd like to keep it off too! Ok, grab that water and keep on drinking. I have heard that half of our hunger cues are false because we are simply dehydrated...drink ladies, drink!!!

ETaylor said...

Good morning, Ladies. How are you two doing? I am really feeling these hunger pains. It is a feeling I haven't dealt with in awhile. I am drinking my ice water right now before I have breakfast. Hopefully that will help me to have a moderate breakfast!

I would love some snacking ideas. Especially when I start running (as soon as this snow goes away) again. When I jog, I used to eat sooooo much and this time I don't want to negate the calories lost by running with poor food choices. Maybe I'll actually see some weight loss this time. I need some OKAY snacking ideas.

Also, I need healthy replacement ideas. I was ticked at Chris last night (don't worry - we did make up!) - so instead of leaving and going somewhere to eat (like getting a milkshake) I went to Kohls and bought myself some cute new boots (yes, you inspired me, Sam). I think that was okay once, but you both know I can't replace food with shopping ALL of the time!! Yes, you might say, don't leave - stay and deal with your problems - but believe me, I HAD to get outta the house!

One idea I have - if you are thinking about food and need a distraction - sit down to this blog and start typing. Thanks for setting this up, Sam!

Measurements... I have no scale and I couldn't find the tape measure last night. When I find the tape measure, I will record that info.

My goal is to fit WELL into all of the cute pants I have hanging in my closet. That means a good 20 pounds. On Dec. 4 at the rheumatologist I was 153 pounds (and I'm sure I gained at least a couple more through December!). I'll make my goal date Makenna's 2 year old birthday on June 12.

Make it a great day girls!

ETaylor said...

Good morning, Ladies. How are you two doing? I am really feeling these hunger pains. It is a feeling I haven't dealt with in awhile. I am drinking my ice water right now before I have breakfast. Hopefully that will help me to have a moderate breakfast!

I would love some snacking ideas. Especially when I start running (as soon as this snow goes away) again. When I jog, I used to eat sooooo much and this time I don't want to negate the calories lost by running with poor food choices. Maybe I'll actually see some weight loss this time. I need some OKAY snacking ideas.

Also, I need healthy replacement ideas. I was ticked at Chris last night (don't worry - we did make up!) - so instead of leaving and going somewhere to eat (like getting a milkshake) I went to Kohls and bought myself some cute new boots (yes, you inspired me, Sam). I think that was okay once, but you both know I can't replace food with shopping ALL of the time!! Yes, you might say, don't leave - stay and deal with your problems - but believe me, I HAD to get outta the house!

One idea I have - if you are thinking about food and need a distraction - sit down to this blog and start typing. Thanks for setting this up, Sam!

Measurements... I have no scale and I couldn't find the tape measure last night. When I find the tape measure, I will record that info.

My goal is to fit WELL into all of the cute pants I have hanging in my closet. That means a good 20 pounds. On Dec. 4 at the rheumatologist I was 153 pounds (and I'm sure I gained at least a couple more through December!). I'll make my goal date Makenna's 2 year old birthday on June 12.

Make it a great day girls!

timandmichelle (timandshelly) said...

Alright you early bird...

Actually I was thinking about something. What verse(s) can we memorize together to fight the temptation to eat? Replacing bad habits with sripture/memorization is fruitful in many ways.

As for snacks, after January is over, and for those of us who will feel it necessary, those 100 calorie snacks are actually pretty good for a quick, not too fattening fix for sweets. They even have cupcakes and twinkies now. I am sure they are the size of an artists eraser, but it's a good nibble.

A handful of nuts is a good snack. It has the protein we need plus you have to chew a lot and whether it's true or not, I have read that the simple act of chewing releases hunger fighting chemicals. Gum, carrots, nuts, something that has you chewing a lot. Perhaps it just fools the body/mind. Don't know.

Are either of you on a vitamin regimen? I need to start. I quit my prenatal a long time ago and let's face it girls, we are getting older and have to care for ourselves in that way too!

Ok, well before my kids actually squash one another in the pillows of the couch I better tend to them. Sam, let us know what you find out about team blogging. It should be in your settings tab...

Keep up the good work and until we find another verse, remember that in EVERYTHING we do (whether eating or drinking) do it to God's glory.

ETaylor said...

It is the WORST time of day for me right now - and boy am I feeling it! I just want to find ANY sugary thing - like a whole bag of OREOs and chow. Thankfully there is nothing like that in my pantry right now. But isn't that lust after that horrible? Seriously, this is soooo my worst time of day! The kids are all resting and there are lots of positive things I could accomplish right now. I have a big glass of ice water and I'm going to type until I can convince myself to stay out of the kitchen. I ate a nice sandwich and some carrots for lunch. There is no NEED to go into the kitchen right now.

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Matthew 26:41

Sam- thinking about you and Nikki today. I will pray that you will use a means other than food to deal with what may be a quite stressful day!

timandmichelle (timandshelly) said...

Sadly, I talk to myself outloud when I am struggling...telling myself and perhaps Satan that I will not eat "that." Somehow I can't as easily rationalize or justify my caving in if I know for sure I've said I won't. No need to add lying to the gluttony!

It doesn't always work. I have actually talked myself into believing I never said I wouldn't eat said "thing." Can we say PATHETIC??? What exactly controls my life here???