Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Ooops! Well, if it were the dog, you could have put him outside. What happened? I was trying to find some spilled liquid of some sort, but did he just find a screwdriver and go after it? I'm so sorry! Yeah, I'm glad the kids are out of that stage! God bless ya.

I haven't gotten my study yet. I may go get it today. I'm assuming LifeWay has it. If we all get it this week, I say let's start it on Monday. Won't Erin be back then? Do you know if she has hers?

What is I am Sam? ...I AM!

Just woke up, AGAIN! Have had problems sleeping this week, and so I am tired!!! Got to go get my girls in the holster and start my day. I hope yours goes better.

Love you!


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