Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ah, the Color Green

I thought I wouldn't have to have this topic of conversation again since the girls potty trained. I'm afraid I will have to if this virus doesn't stop. I took Bailey to the doctor yesterday because she ran a 105 fever the night before. Some type of weird virus. She hasn't gotten the green stuff yet, and she is playing like she never had a temp. Me on the otherhand, can barely take a full breath without going into a coughing fit and then OF COURSE, pee my pants. Lovely! I knew I should have kept some pads on hand. Anyway, I am just now doing dishes from Monday/Sunday ...I stayed on the couch pretty much all day yesterday. I thought I'd wake this morning well and rested but not so fast. I think I'm going to run and pick the kids some dinner up and call it a night. Paul won't get home until 9 or so and by then, I will probably be back in bed. If I feel bad again tomorrow, I will get to the doctor. I don't have anyone to watch the kids and I refuse to get my mother sick. She has offered, but no way. Dad isn't having a good day today, but I can't go check on him either. Paul and I discussed the fact that if he would get this, it could very well kill him. Not going to live with that guilt.

As for the fudgepops, wonderful husband couldn't find the cheap kind, so opted out of buying me any! How dare he! Doesn't he understand that you can't put a price on a good fudge pop...especially when you're sick? So with that, he came home with Blue Bunny, Sweet Freedom (no sugar added) Black raspberry frozen dairy dessert bar. At least they are covered in chocolate! Only 90 calories. They were so good that after the first one I thought I'd have another, only to hear "woman of moderation" whisper through my ears! So I didn't have another one until the next day. :)

Okay, need to go...just coughed!


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