Friday, July 11, 2008


No period. Yeah. Thanks to Loestrin (birth control pill) I have NO period. Woo hoo. Only mild PMS that Chris so accurately points out. I never even realize it is that - and often am offended that he attributes it to that - only to realize a day or too later ... oh, yeah, that's why I was so crabby!

Sam, I wish you were here. I'd have called you today and said, "Bring your three on over, it is slumber party night at the Taylor house." We've got Michelle's kids until 11 or so tomorrow a.m. I hope they sleep in, but that is probably wishful thinking with eight kids. So, let's just hope that Michelle is off her period and having a hot date with her hubby. Michelle, Elijah prayed tonight, "God, thank you that we could spend the night at Jackson and Abby's house. And God thank you that we have friends..." He was so cute.

Sam, I had to show off the castle cake I made for Jackson's birthday. So, if you wonder why I haven't posted lately, I've been in "Super Mommy" mode. Thank God, I let all the kids have some cake and ice cream (outside!!) tonight. I was sick of having that in my refrigerator to battle against!
How was Tennessee?
Well, friends, I will be ready for week 7 with you on Monday!
Hope to post again soon!

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