Monday, June 16, 2008

A Quick Note

Hey guys...just thought I'd post an update. We are still in Texas, but as of yesterday, Granny is talking to angels. Jan's brother walked in on the conversation. With that confirmation, so to speak, we are busy getting wash done, van cleaned, etc. in order to get packed up. That is what my day is looking like...busy with last minute things before packing. Anyway, I don't know how we can work it all out, but I'd love to see you guys while we are on that side of the Mason Dixon. I know Caleb will sit through the funeral, but I don't think the girls can yet. I'm just thinking out loud here, but I may need to call on my best buds to help us with childcare. I think the girls are the youngest of all the cousins, but we'll see. All of that to say, I may be calling you guys. I'm assuming the funeral will take place at Granny's church in Goshen, Indiana, and after the burial, I'm sure we will have the family lunch/dinner somewhere. (that seems to be custom with the Grabers)

Okay, laundry needs to be done. Love you guys...have a good day! I'm going to try to keep focus on my moderation. I know Satan would love for me to get so busy in preparation that I would forget all that needs to be applied spiritually. Also, as you pray today, please pray extra for Jan and Nelson...Nelson is still having some major anxiety attacks, etc. I'll fill you in on everything else later.


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