Thursday, January 10, 2008

Keep it up!

Excited for you, Sam. Can't wait to hear more on the book. Sooo cool.

I hear ya about waking up early and then being sooo tired out for other things throughout the day. I say, we have to be realistic about what our bodies can do. We need sleep and rest just as much as we need the exercise and good nutrition and time with God. I have my alarm set for 5:30a.m. but if I don't get to bed at a good time, it isn't realistic to say I will be able to get up at that time. I do sometimes, but on the days I don't, I try to do what I can in the time I have. Even if it means I only get a mini 15 minute workout in - that's better than nothing, right? And if I only have 5 minutes to read the Bible - I say better than not opening it at all. That said, I still am striving to make it to bed early enough to get up at that time. I find that on days that I have "me time" in the morning things go sooo much smoother. Unlike today when I woke up late and was lazily enjoying a bowl of cereal with the kids. Only to look at the clock - "8 a.m." Light bulb! Makenna has a doctor appointment at 8:15!! We made it there by 8:20 but it wasn't pretty.

Success for today - I had some time to run errands (thanks, Michelle) and I was craving something. I went for a DD coffee with cream and Splenda rather than the milk shake I reeeeallly wanted. That was tough - I kept telling myself I really deserved it! But I also deserve to be healthier and I also deserve to reach the goals I have set for myself.

Later ladies...

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