Thursday, February 7, 2008

Coke, or No Coke?

Okay, this is my 2nd day of no colas and I am going through the same type of withdrawals as I did when I thought I could hit the no sugar ban wagon. I have come to realize that I am having to rearrange our schedules so I won't be inside at 2-4...come to find out....Dr. Phil is like Satan drawing me to the TV with food...any food in my hand! Sad thing is...I don't even really like Dr. Phil all that much. So, I am resolved to use this time with my kids. Once it gets warmer, I can stop off at the park on the way home...until then, I think we will come home and go for a ride or something. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. I did okay yesterday, ...had a nice breakfast, good lunch, and then it all went to pot around 3. Mindless eating. I know what they mean when they say you eat to fuel the body, not to just eat foods you THINK you like. Yeah, so on to the coke delemia...I can't tell you how many times I wanted to cheat today, and the only reason I haven't is that I would be cheating on God. Unfortunately, even realizing that took me some time. I had to just make me a large glass of green tea and leave it sitting for sipping later. So, if I call you in a panic, know that I am by myself and wanting to stop at my beloved Sonic for a coke with "the good ice." :) What a silly prayer request, but I need you to pray that I stand strong against the colas. There is a bible story for you...Sam and the Cola...yes, that is one of my giants. AH HA...think I will watch facing the giants again....a good little motivator.

Erin...good for you at the Y!!! Michelle, you keep on that treadmill!!! We all have goal dates...we can do this...we may have to pray ourselves away from the cokes, but we can do this! As the movie says, "give God our best, and leave the results up to Him." You know He wants to bless us. Stay strong!

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