Sunday, May 18, 2008

Be content with all you have

Well, here it is, Sunday, and feeling nothing special except that I wanted to blog a bit to stay up to date. The past couple of days, I haven't been able to get online for some reason...

I went to Fort Wayne where Ruthie's fiance is from for a shower that his family threw for them. I really like Dave's family but am jealous that she is going to have a great in-law family and that she may just jump right in and be a real sister/daughter to Dave's sisters and mom. As I was thinking all that today in church (why I was thinking that in church instead of meditating on the Word and what Pastor Jim was bringing to us, I don't know, but I was) I got the clear message, from the Holy Spirit I assume, and it was that I am to be content with the in-law family that I have. I know that, but seriously, I want a fun, family oriented in-law family that can communicate normally and that we really enjoy being around one another, and have fun together. How am I to be glad that I have the inlaws that I have and not wish I had other ones??? Clearly I am glad for them for because of Tim, but...oh forget it, her life is just going to be so easy, that's all. If she weren't so focused on herself all the time, it would be so much easier to be happy for her. And I am trying to be happy for her...really. I just really hope that he is the right guy for her and that in the end, I just end up learning something about myself as opposed to learning that my gut feelings were right...and maturing (for him and me) will help that.

Ok, well, so much for blogging about the study. I am juicing today, although it has been more like fasting with one meal so far. I gotta hit the liquids. Now, I am off to help Elijah build his lego thingy.

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