Tuesday, May 20, 2008

God or Lord?

Good morning. Hope your day is off to a great start. Not much here...just wanted to encourage you guys to keep on going. I prayed specifically for you this morning. I know we are all learning things about ourselves that we don't particularly like, but that alone is inspiration to keep on going. It is obvious that God is revealing Himself as He reveals our depravity.

How are goals coming along? Michelle, did you get the bathroom painted? Erin? Well, eating wise, I did pretty good. I'm pleased with yesterday.I was even able to get out and exercise in the pool last night. (50 laps...running/walking of course, 10 in each direction then switch to go against the whirlpool) Okay, so it isn't a marathon of exercise, but it is a start. Half of my laundry is still here and so it will be tackled and finished today. I hope I don't find any lost children underneath any of it. :) I need to also get creative again...I have some individual paintings to do so I hope to get started on that today. Niki has the girls this morning, so that will give me some quiet time with hopes that I hear from God. I was just convicted this morning that I am like a little kid when it comes to my prayer life. I do try to commune with God throughout the day and try to me in a constant state of prayer...or at least state to pray. But when I am actually on my face before the Lord, I give Him my thanksgiving and request, and then jump up and run off to my list of to dos. Is that childlike, or what? I don't take time to listen to what God is telling me or may tell me. That is my confession. And sometimes I wonder why I can't hear God. hmmmm.... maybe it is because of my agenda and not His. Ouch! With that being said, let's pray together that we three make God the Lord of our lives. He is God, our Savoir, but is He really Lord? I need to allow Him to be Lord today...I need him to be MY Lord today.

Have a great day...all day!


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