Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 2-Fasting Again

Hi Erin, and hopefully Michelle. If not, hope you can get on soon Michelle. Okay, so here it is day 2, well actually it isn't yet, but will be in 15 mins. I am having problems falling asleep again and so I decided instead of filling my head with junk, I'd do my bible study for tomorrow. Is that cheating? Anyway...

Erin, I have questions regarding today's lesson. I don't get questions 14 & 15...can you help? Maybe I will have insight tomorrow, but today's lessons seemed to be a bit redundant. Am I not getting it?

I plan on fasting again 11 mins. :) I'm actually looking forward to it...but I do have a Mother's Tea to go to with Caleb. I'm going to try to go a little longer tomorrow if I can. We will see how that goes.

How did you do today? I didn't exercise at all. Well, I take that back...40 calf raises while I was pumping gas, but I don't think that is considered "getting my heart rate up." I did push away from the table of my favorite restaurant where Paul, the girls, and I shared a plate of fajitas nachos. I had enough and it was good. I was worshipping the Giver and not the gift, and it felt really good--physically too! I don't think I've ever left there without that bloated feeling. I didn't make the best choices this evening, but did eat a salad at dinner. Baby steps, baby steps, but at least I thought about what I was doing.

On a personal note, mom has another ct scan/ultrasound tomorrow on her kidney, and they will go over her blood work as well. I have a doctor's appointment, so Missy will be with her. I saw my dad yesterday and was able to help him with some miscellaneous stuff. Please just keep praying for all of them. I know how much God wants them on our team.

So, I am signing off and saying Good morning at the same time. Fast for Him, stay strong, and remember to keep the door shut...don't let that lion in....he is there waiting for us-and then to pounce us yet again. Love you guys!


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