Monday, May 19, 2008

I know, I know, I know

Ok, you can't go and start a blog out with "I wish I had some mature words of wisdom, but I don't" and then go on to write a dissertation on fairytale contentment, comparing and contrasting God's plan for us with Satan's plan to make all other things look better. Thanks. I know it was all true. You know we women...we sometimes tend to speak with our frustrated emotions first, as I clearly did, and so I do appreciate bringing me back to what I know is right, even though I don't feel it now. I know my satisfaction and my feeling of acceptance should be in and through Christ alone. You know, you want someone to enjoy their lives and people and family so much that you end up despising them because they won't, and then somewhat jealous when they enjoy other people and not you/your family. How odd is that?

Ok, I am going to have a good day today. I have a half day, and have already eaten my half a bowl of Kashi Crunch for breakfast. I intend to get my bathroom painted today. One simple goal...I hope I can do it!!! I am so tired of not being settled in here that I can spit, most days. I have Ruthie's personal shower to hold here in a few weeks and am not ready yet. Ugh! Ok, I gotta get. Any goals for today ladies?

Thanks again, Princess Samantha, wife of Prince Sleepy, mother to Grumpy, Scratchy and Whiny. Now, quit blogging and go write that book!!!

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