Sunday, April 6, 2008

Blue is my color

Hello ladies...

For whatever reason I am on the verge of tears right now...I think it's just stress. That and the "poor me" blues or something like that, along with a lot on my mind. I had no idea it had been so long since I have blogged and I am so sorry! Sam you have been wonderfully faithful and I am thankful for that! It's amazing the changes in life that you can make when you are faithfully in God's word. Perhaps I wouldn't feel those first two sentences if I were. That's to say I am ready to start this study yesterday.

As for a training routine, I go to the gym MWF right after taking Elijah to school. I generally alternate a bit over half and hour on the treadmill (with steep inclines) and the elyptical machine with high resistance. What should we add to it? I could use to do crunches...any particular number we want to do and what are these butt crunches you all are talking about? Did I miss a blog? And by the way, I know exercize is supposed to get those energy endorphins flowing, but I am always tired when I am done. Looks like I need to go get my blood taken again and see how my levels are and whatnot. Yippee.

Well, can you all pray that we make our little April 15th deadline to get in the house? I could possibly go ballistic if we don't. I just feel so unmotivated for so many things, I can't explain it, but that day is so close.

Ok, I don't belive I have anything to say that is much worth listening to, so I think that is close to my queue to be done and go to bed. Perhaps if I get to bed at a normal time I could feel better after a workout.

I love you guys and am glad to be doing this, no matter how sporadically it is. I guess a positive spin would be to say that at least I'm consistent!!!


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