Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hey guys. I'm sorry about last night...I'm not feeling well and was in bed by 8:30ish. (just a little spring cold, but still enough to make you feel crappy.) I'm going to the doctor today, and so I am sure he will fix me right up if he thinks it is more than a cold. Anyway, I woke up late this morning, and I am late taking Caleb to school...he slept late too and is now getting dressed. Of course that leads to not having done my day 4 yet. I have day 5 for tomorrow. Erin, I do plan on fasting today and Satan is already at stomach is starting to notice. I don't have much of a voice, but if the attack gets really bad, schreachy here will give you a call. Okay, I need to go put a sleeping Bailey in the van and off we go. Have a great day!!!!


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