Friday, April 18, 2008


Well girls, how did you do? I started the day off on the right up before 6 to do some bible reading and to pray for you guys. I reviewed day 1 (I've already done it), decided that I was confused on which day to start the Psalms praying in the back, so I just read the first 49 verses of chapter 119. As far as my day went...It wasn't too bad, but we did eat out all day. My only "conservative" meal was my bowl of cheerios at 8 this morning. I hope to do better tomorrow. I had NO focus today...I really think this will be easier once the Grabers leave. (That sounds terrible..."can't focus on the Lord today because my mother-in-law was here!") :)

Hope you guys had a good one. Erin, if it makes you feel any better, I MADE brownies today! Yeah, so this whole "rid your house of traps" didn't happen here...yet. I say that I don't want to waste food and that my kids can enjoy them. All sounds good until I get upset at Paul, then the brownies come out!!! :)

I was readying what I had written a couple of days ago under the question "In what way did you connect with the Lord today?":
"I'm always amazed at spring! Driving home this morning from dropping Caleb off at school, I noticed all of the dew-kissed green leaves everywhere! I always love seeing the different shades and hues of green, and then it hit me...I thanked God for allowing my dormant times to be followed by green all their, renewed, and different colors or levels and variations of spiritual growth."
Now in review, I think of us...three different moms, three different friends, three different backgrounds...all coming together to study and praise God. Three trees in a forest, all with our different variations of growth. Individually, we may spiritually look pretty good, but together, we may look amazing!

I love you!...and I'm that Vibrant green..the one with a touch of yellow undertone! :)


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