Monday, April 21, 2008

Erin's EOD Evaluation Day 3

Good evening. Checking in. Looking forward to hearing from you two when you get a chance.

My attempts to stop overeating have been mildly successful. I still overate at lunch probably because I was too full afterward. I have avoided my typical overeating times of the day (afternoon and after kids are in bed for the night). This afternoon I had a Psalm snack and I will have another one shortly. I still have a birthday cake food trap sitting in my kitchen that I have been thinking about all evening. I will feast on the Lord instead! Tomorrow I am going to share the cake with my kids and it will be gone.

Running to the Lord instead of food has been a challenge. I want to food. Sad to say, I want the food more than the Lord. Forgive me, Lord. I pray for my desires to change. I want to want the Lord more than food. I want a different mindset.

I did exercise today. I lifted cybex weights and ran on the treadmill for 3.5 miles while listening to a "Midday Connection" on my IPOD. It was about saving money and they recommended angel tree ministries. Is that working for you, Sam? I'm thinking about trying it this month. Has it been worth it for your family? They have a Portage location.

Looking forward to hearing from you both. Hope you get back online soon, Michelle!

Be thinking ahead to Thursday. I was thinking maybe we could 3-way call again before we fast - like Wednesday night after kids are in bed? I just know I will appreciate having you two with me for my first true fast.

Good night.

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