Thursday, April 17, 2008

Good for me

Hey...9 should be good for me. I will work it around the you said Michelle, I can find all sorts of excuses, too. Erin, that Jackson is a keeper. I told everyone here the story. It sure made my heart smile! Our screen saver fades all of our photos in and out, and sometimes I find myself waisting time just watching all of them. Just the other day there were a lot of the kids when the boys were just old enough to get into that sand box. Oh, the sand. Now, I wished I would have let them play in it more. Hmmmm...I've been a grump about the sand here too...getting the pool up and I don't know if there is more sand at the foundation, or on the girls' heads. It doesn't come out easily...if nothing else, I guess their scalps are getting a good foliation during shampooings. Okay...I'm making a note of 9, and I will talk to you girls then. Tell Jackson he made Aunt Sam' smile all the way down in Texas. Both of you hug your oodles of kids for me. Talk to you tonight.


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