Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mama said there'd be days like this...

The question is, what do I do when they come?

My day:

Woke up to do my study but was interrupted by a crying Makenna at 6:10 a.m. I make a Dr. appointment for Makenna - fussy little thing, probably her ear.
Chris woke up remembering he had a follow up doctor appointment. Chris calls me after his appointment to inform me his HDLs and LDLs are reverse of how they should be and his overall cholesterol in high and the doctor gave him meds. So I stew all morning about this and how I have no power to get him to exercise like he should and his nonchalant attitude about his health just really makes me angry.
I got Makenna to the doctor. Right ear infection - knew it.
I go to pick up Mak's prescription on the way to get Abby to dance lesson. The pharmacy is way long, so we are running late for dance. Oh well. We finally get moving and I get behind Grandpa. I don't want to be rude, but... we gotta go, so I use a middle turn lane to pass him in an ever so friendly way. He honks at me anyway. I pray he doesn't go to Bethel. With the White Sox sticker and the skydiving sticker on my rear window, I could stand out in a crowd of vans.
I head down 61st (near your old subdivision, Michelle) and I see a sign "Road Closed 500 feet ahead Local Traffic Only". Well, I keep driving. I'm thinking, "Is Colorado st (where I need to go) part of this or not? I get to the road closed sign and the two vehicles ahead of me weave around the sign. There are cops behind the sign. Colorado is in the midst of all of this. There are several cars stopped behind to Road Closed sign. So, innocent old me follows the cars ahead of me around the sign and rolls down my window. "Surely a friendly police officer will help me figure out where to go," I think. I start trying to ask and the cops pull me over to the side of the road. They inform me the road is closed. I tell them I understand that, I was trying to get to Colorado and I wasn't sure if that was part of the local traffic. To make an increasingly long story short, I received a ticket for "disregarding a road closed sign". Of course, they have no idea how much that is until next week and I can contest it in three weeks if I want. Arghhhh!!! So much for the help of friendly police officers. Once I realized I was being written a citation I also realized that all these other cars were sitting behind the sign were receiving citations too. It was a total trap. Needless to say, Abby missed half of her dance class.

So, what's a girl to do on a day like this? I tell you, I could really go for some chocolate - yeah I know, that'll help my cholesterol, right? Instead I read about five Psalms. That did help me get perspective. God is in control. Today, I guess he is in control of chaos. I cannot be in control of everything. I am not. Days like these are a good test for me in running to God, not food, for comfort. Not that I am asking for more tests...

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