Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 3! Week 2!

Okay, after only 3 hours of sleep, I was up at 5, did my study, and God spoke to me! ( I am surprised to realize that God WANTS to speak to me.) Anyway, here are my insights/thoughts from today's lesson:

Oh my goodness! This, "I'll obey the Lord tomorrow" thing, hit me between the eyes. I confess that I heard the Spirit prompting me with "moderation, Samantha" but I CHOSE not to listen and then gave an excuse like "I've already blown it today, etc." Hello, is this me, or Cain? All which leads me into Genesis 4:7. I understand the crouching like a lion, ready to pounce, but the words "at YOUR door" hit me. My door normally doesn't open by itself, I have to do it. I have to take action to this sin...I open the door, and then the lion pounces, knocks me down, and then I am angry at the lion? What about that doesn't make sense? Crouching is such an expressive verb! Hmmm...sin is always there waiting, there ready...doesn't need much of a pep talk to attack. It is on it's mark, get set, and ready-always ready to go. And once that lion pounces, we are down for the count...let's face many of us can challenge a lion? So since we can't win the fight, we must make sure the fight never starts. Keep the doors shut!!! Let God fight our lions, and allow HIM to give us strength through His grace to overcome.

I love the song, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." One of my favorite lines is "for more than conquerors we are." Wow! Romans 8:37 says "Yet in all these things (trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger) we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Okay, serious question here, is it wrong for me to put my eating sin in the parenthesis?

Numbers 32:23..."But if you fail to do this (_______________)you will be sinning against God and you may be sure that your sin will find you out."

I found myself aimlessly wandering the other day, and it scares me even more now that I have studied a little more about Cain. Cain became a restless wanderer, and he became fearful for his life. My notes questioned why he became fearful for his life...some think that later siblings would plot revenge for their lost brother, and some think that the further away the sin took him, he found unvalidated fears. Unvalidated fears, but real to him. Hmmm...unvalidated fears....sounds like someone I know. :(

So, I hope you guys took the time and did your lesson this morning. If not, get it done today and give your insights. God has wonderful things He wants us to share. Have a great day! I love you.


Prayer Request for this week:
1. Spiritual: pray that I get courageous to talk to my dad about the talk to all of my family about the Lord. Pray that I be sensitive to the Spirit's prompting and that I become courageous and not cowardly.

2. Personal: Pray that I learn to swim. This is very important to me. For those who have swam from childhood, this seems like such an easy request. I know it should be, but I have deep-rooted fears (invalid as they may be) that have me entangled. I know Hebrews 12:1 tells us that sin (whatever they may be...note plural sin) entangles us...we don't just have one sin that does this, but that sin entangles another sin, that entangles another, and so on. Pray that I learn to cut sinful strings so that my life starts to untangle. You may be wondering what that has to do with swimming, but believe me, it does. Just pray for me. :)

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